Prompts : Wk 15 to Wk 17

I’m enjoying this experiment more as the weeks pass by. I am challenging myself to not care as much about what I make, in the process old ideas are seeing the light of day.

Love E

Wk 15 : Courage

Wk 16 : Coffee

Week 16 was a week of travel and I was feeling uninspired with little motivation to complete the prompt. As I passed cafe after cafe the opportunity to snap coffee related photos became abundant but I hesitated. I was reminded these prompts are about playing, so I turned this prompt into a game. 

Only ONE photo per cafe.

NO retracing my steps.

10 seconds to TAKE a photo.

20 minute TIMER.

At the end of 20 min I choose the most intriguing photo and DELETE the rest.

Wk 17 : Flower

I decided to complete an unfinished idea from the spring of 2020.  The image was 80% completed when I opened the photoshop file. I set a timer for 30 minutes and decided to publish whatever I had when the timer finished. 

I wrote a LOVE LETTER  and you can read about how I made it HERE.


Making Of Flower

